UC Merced Magazine | Volume XVI, Issue I
While we have all faced the challenges of the pandemic, UC Merced returned this fall to in-person teaching, learning and research and a stunning record of success. From our record pool of undergraduate applicants in the spring to our largest-ever first-year class and a total enrollment of nearly 9,100 students, we are growing to meet our goal of 15,000 students by 2030. :H UHPDLQ D WRS XQLYHUVLW\ ZLWK 86 1HZV UDWLQJ XV DV QR LQ WKH QDWLRQ Ǻb QR DPRQJ DOO SXEOLF LQVWLWXWLRQVbǺ RQ WRS RI VLPLODU SUDLVH IURP )RUEHV 6LHUUD 0DJD]LQH :DVKLQJWRQ 0RQWKO\ DQG WKH 3ULQFHWRQ Review. Our faculty have received millions of dollars in research grants to push the boundaries of science, humanities, and the arts at UC Merced and beyond. ,Q WKH ODVW \HDU ZH KDYH H[FHHGHG DOO UHFRUGV IRU XQLYHUVLW\ IXQGUDLVLQJ ǺbVXSSRUWHG E\ D PLOOLRQ GRQDWLRQ WKH ODUJHVW VLQJOH JLIW LQ 8& 0HUFHG KLVWRU\ $QG ZH KDYH UHOHDVHG WKH XQLYHUVLW\ǽV ILUVW HYHU 6WUDWHJLF 3ODQ VHWWLQJ the course for our continued growth and success over the coming decade.
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