UC Merced Magazine | Volume XVI, Issue I
Staff Advisor to Regents
Incoming Staff Advisor Priya Lakireddy moved to Merced with her family in
flexibility to balance their work and home lives, when we can, will help us attract new talent and retain top contributors. We know this works.” Mentorship is another one of Lakireddy’s passions. “UC staff members deserve every opportunity to develop and thrive — especially people who haven’t traditionally received those opportunities. I’m excited about continuing UC’s work toward becoming a truly inclusive workplace, where staff members can grow.” President Michael V. Drake, M.D., selected Lakireddy as part of a systemwide process, with applications solicited across the UC campuses. A selection committee composed of systemwide and campus leaders and current and past staff advisors reviewed the applications and selected finalists for the president’s consideration. "I have great respect for the contributions of staff advisors to the Regents, so it is a privilege to select Priya for this role. Priya has worked tirelessly for UC Merced – from her work advocating for greater equity for staff to her service on the Valuing Black Lives Task Force – and I’m grateful for the commitment and passion she’ll bring to her advocacy for staff across UC,” President Drake said. “We’re in a transformative time,” Lakireddy said. “President Drake and Chancellor Muñoz have both had tremendous first years, and we’re welcoming students, faculty and staff back onto our campuses. This is the right time to invest in the people who make UC great. And I’m honored to be a part of this work.”
2009, the same year First Lady Michelle Obama congratulated UC Merced’s historic first graduating class. Lakireddy wasn’t sure what her next step would be, but she was drawn to UC Merced’s promise and opportunity. “It wasn’t until I stepped onto the UC Merced campus in 2014 that I realized the transformative power of higher education. My first job at UC Merced was literally opening doors for people coming into the building. And I see all my work since then — up to my selection as staff advisor — as a continuation of that role. I’m committed to opening doors.” When Lakireddy’s family immigrated to the U.S. from India she was 18, and she remembers struggling to balance school with work to help support her family. “Now I see how awesome those experiences were – how they helped me become the person I am. I’m able to share my story with others.” Now a contract administrator in Procurement Services, Lakireddy found her career path at UC Merced and her community in the staff assembly. “The people I met in staff assembly in 2014 are now among my best friends. I started as co-chair for events — which is a great way to connect with people across the university — and worked my way up to President and Senior CUCSA Delegate.” Lakireddy is looking forward to sharing with the Regents some of what UC staff have learned during this past year. “We come to work as caregivers, as parents, as members of our community. Granting UC’s staff the
UC staff members deserve every opportunity to develop and thrive — especially people who haven’t traditionally received those opportunities. I’m excited about continuing UC’s work toward becoming a truly inclusive workplace, where staff members can grow.
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