UC Merced Magazine | Volume XVI, Issue I
Recent Research Highlights
STEM Research Renewal: The Center for Cellular and Biomolecular Medicine (CCBM) has been awarded another $5 million from the National Science Foundation to continue its work, on top of an earlier $10 million NSF invested in the center. CCBM includes faculty from bioengineering, physics, chemistry, materials science, molecular cell biology and applied math to design and develop biological materials and devices. The new funding will support foci on protein metamorphosis and responsive nanodevices; adaptive and responsive nanoscale assemblies; and adaptive cellular communication.
Creating Lizard Lair: Professor Danielle Edwards, who studies evolutionary biology, has created a living laboratory of side-blotched lizards in the Merced Vernal Pools and Grassland Reserve. Edwards and a team of graduate and undergraduate students will study the lizards’ behavior and mating in the 1.2-acre enclosure with 12 individual
enclosures simulating different environmental conditions.
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