UC Mercd Magazine-Volume XVI, Issue 2

Campus Appoints First Representative to Serve as Alumni Regent

ZLWK P\ IHOORZ $OXPQL 5HJHQWV WR OHYHUDJHbWKH SRZHU RI 10 to engage alumni as a UC system in addition to the HQJDJHPHQW RFFXUULQJbYLD WKH LQGLYLGXDO FDPSXV DOXPQL associations, particularly get-out-the-vote efforts and philanthropic stewardship.” ǿ)URP WKH %RDUG RI 5HJHQWV P\ FKLHIbJRDO LV WR EH D YRLFH IRU WKH DOXPQL DQG WKDWb UHTXLUHV PH WR EH DYDLODEOH DQG DFFHVVLEOHbWR WKHP 7R ZRUN RQ WKHVH JRDOV , ZLOO EH PDNLQJ some campus visits with my fellow Regents as well as participating in virtual events,” he added. Ellis has been a key player in encouraging diversity and HTXLW\ LQ KLV YDULRXV UROHV DQG D VWURQJ DGYRFDWH IRU WKH /*%74 FRPPXQLW\ WKH YLVXDOO\ LPSDLUHG DQG ILUVW JHQHUDWLRQ FROOHJH VWXGHQWV 7KH QHZO\ DSSRLQWHG alumni regent also supports student success by empowering identity exploration and self-advocacy. “All those who aspire to the best education and research in the world should feel welcome at the University of California. I want UC to live up to the principles of diversity, HTXLW\ LQFOXVLRQ DQG DFFHVVLELOLW\ /LNH DOO RI XV P\ OLYHG experiences and identity frame the lens in which I view our world, but as alumni regent, I must balance that with the views and voices of those I represent,” Ellis said. 7KH WKUHH WRS FDQGLGDWHV IRU WKH SRVLWLRQ UHSUHVHQWHG D range of diversity and experience that mirror the rich culture that exists in the campus community. UC Merced alumni and first-generation college students Josh Franco, % $ 0 $ 3K ' DQG %UHQGD

For the first time, a UC Merced alumnus is serving RQ WKHb 8& %RDUG RI Regents. Keith Ellis, who received his bachelor’s degree fromUCMerced in 2012, is serving a two-year term that began in July and continues through June 2024. In addition to his new role, Ellis is as an active officer of the Alumni Associations of UC (AAUC).

“Keith’s extensive experience advocating for UC Merced students and alumni will guide his decision-making and is helping pave the way for different opportunities that exist for all UC alumni and students,” Chancellor Juan Sánchez Muñoz said. Appointments of alumni regents rotate among the 10 campuses of theUC system. His selection is something Ellis said he appreciates. He is thankful to the selection FRPPLWWHH DQG WKHb 8& 0HUFHG $OXPQL $VVRFLDWLRQb 8&0$$ %RDUG IRU WKHLU FRQILGHQFH IDLWK DQG WUXVW LQ KLP ǿ%HLQJ VHOHFWHG WR VHUYH DV WKH ILUVW 8& $OXPQL 5HJHQW IURP 8& 0HUFHG LV DQ LPPHQVH KRQRU DQG SULYLOHJH %\ EHLQJ the first, I set a precedent and standard for all those who will succeed in this role. It means the world to me personally to be recognized in this way due to my passion, dedication and service to UC Merced,” Ellis said. Ellis's Alumni Regent position is another addition to his extended history of involvement with the university, as he served as immediate past president of UCMAA from 2020-2022 and president from 2014-2020. “We represent our campus alumni as well as all UC alumni. I need to have robust and sometimes difficult conversations with many different people to process and understand complex issues,” Ellis said. “I am working

Keith’s extensive experience advocating for UC Merced students and alumni will guide his decision-making and is helping pave the way for different opportunities that exist for all UC alumni and students.



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