School of Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts Transfer Requirements
Detailed information about what it takes to be admitted as a transfer student to the School of Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts at UC Merced
Required for all School of Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts Majors (Must be completed in order to be considered for admission) Minimum GPA of 2.4 for residents (2.8 for nonresidents) Complete all required courses listed on the back of this page for your major with a grade of “C” or better, unless a higher grade is indicated. Fall applicants must complete all minimum UC admissions requirements in English and Math by the end of the spring term, prior to fall admission. Spring applicants must complete the English and Math requirement by the end of the summer prior to admission. Courses that meet WRI 1 and WRI 10 (This requirement is usually met by completing the UC minimum transfer requirements.) A course in Mathematics/Quantitative Reasoning (usually met by completing the UC minimum transfer requirements) Complete 60 UC-transferable semester units the term prior to enrollment (not including summer). Strongly Recommended Transfer students are encouraged to complete all of their major preparatory courses and some of the courses needed to satisfy lower-division general education requirements. Completing these courses prior to transfer will aid your progress towards graduation. Completion of the Inter-segmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) is recommended for majors within the School of Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts.
Applicants will be more competitive in the admission process if their academic records show successful attempts at UC-transferable courses, as demonstrated by one or more of the following: Plan in advance. Satisfy major preparatory courses in one attempt with grades of C or better Clear all No Pass, D or F grades in any UC- transferable course
Anthropology, B.A. Cognitive Sciences, B.A.
· At least one course from ANTH 1, ANTH 3, ANTH 5
· ECON 10, MATH 18, SOC 10 or PSY 10
· COGS 1 or PSY 1 · PSY 10 · MATH 5, MATH 11 or MATH 21 · COGS 1 or PSY 1 · PSY 10 · MATH 11, MATH 21, MATH 12 or MATH 22
· Two of the following: COGS 5, ECON 1, PHIL 1 or PSY 1 · CSE 5 or CSE 20 · Two of the following: COGS 5, ECON 1, PHIL 1 or PSY 1 · CSE 20 and CSE 21 · At least one of the following: BIO 1 and BIO 1L, CHEM 2, CHEM 8, PHYS 8, PHYS 18, PHYS 9, PHYS 19 · At least one of the following: POLI 1, COGS 1, PSY 1, SOC 1 · At least one of the following: ECON 10, POLI 10, PSY 10, SOC 10
Cognitive Sciences, B.S.
Economics, B.A.
· ECON 1 · MATH 11 or 21
English, B.A.
· Two of the following courses (one must be from course numbers ENG 56 to ENG 65): ENG 20, ENG 30, ENG 31, ENG 32, ENG 56, ENG 57, ENG 58, ENG 59, ENG 62, ENG 65 (or CCST 60 or SPAN 60) · Two of the following courses: HIST 10, HIST 11, HIST 16, HIST 17, HIST 30A or HIST 30B or HIST 31
· WRI 25 or WRI 40
History (US), B.A.
· Two of the following History electives: HIST 5, HIST 20, HIST 21, HIST 25, HIST 60, HIST 70, HIST 71, HIST 81 · One year of college-level courses in a language other than English. American Sign Language is not acceptable for this major.
Management and Business Economics, B.S.
· ECON 1 · MATH 11 or 21
· CSE 5 or CSE 20 · ECON 10
· MGMT 5 and MGMT 26 · MGMT 27 or MGMT 28
Political Science, B.A.
· At least one of the following courses: POLI 1, POLI 3 or POLI 5
· Two of the following courses: POLI 2, POLI 6, POLI 9 (same as SOC 9) · POLI 10 · PSY 15 · At least one of the following courses: ANTH 1, COGS 1, ECON 1, POLI 1, PH 1, SOC 1 · SOC 15 · At least one of the following courses: SOC 9, SOC 20, SOC 30, SOC 35, SOC 36, SOC 70
Psychology, B.A.
· PSY 1 · PSY 10
Sociology, B.A.
· SOC 1 · SOC 10 or MATH 5
Spanish, B.A.
· SPAN 4 or 11 or equivalent (i.e. appropriate scores on the Spanish Language or Literature Advanced Placement Exam)
· SPAN 50 · SPAN 51
UC Merced Office of Admissions 5200 N. Lake Road | Merced, CA 95343
School of Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts 209-228-7742 |
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