Bobcat Day 2014 Agenda
Integrated for todayand the future
Bioengineering, B.S. Computer Science&Engineering, B.S. Environmental Engineering, B.S.
MaterialsScience&Engineering, B.S. Mechanical Engineering, B.S.
Anthropology, B.A. CognitiveScience, B.S./B.A. Economics, B.A.
English, B.A. History, B.A. Management, B.S. Political Science, B.A. Psychology, B.A. Sociology, B.A. Spanish, B.A.
AppliedMathematics, B.S. Biological Sciences, B.S. Chemical Sciences, B.S. EarthSystemsScience, B.S. Physics, B.S.
social sciences, humanities&arts
Natural Sciences
Participate inour #bobcatrace on TWITTER TOWIN thegrandprize!
The rstperson to complete the racewinsan iPADMINI ! The 10thpawprint will reveal the nal letter anda secrethashtag . Unscramble the letters and tweet theanswer , your nal sel e and the secrethashtag . Follow theAdmissions internsonTwitter: @UCMichelle , @UCMShar , @UCMShawn , @UCMBecca and @UCMBre Theywill tweet clues thatwill lead to10placeson campuswhereapawprintwitha letterwill be located (use the campusmap toguideyou). Every timeyou ndapawprint, takea sel e (with theentirepawprint in thephoto) and tweet itwith thehashtag #BobcatRace .
1. 2. 3.
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