2013-14 UC Merced Graduate Studies Brochure
World Cultures | wcgrad.ucmerced.edu (Interdisciplinary Humanities*)
This graduate program is a research-intensive course of study in which students examine cultural distinctiveness and learn how different humanities disciplines have approached similar questions and methodologies for explaining what makes cultures and cultural productions unique. We share analytical and critical research methods that engage questions of identity, power, culture and representation. Our faculty members and students study the human condition by exploring social processes at many spatial and temporal scales, as well as the people who participate in them, their literary and artistic production, and their articula- tion of ideas about meaning and value.
left and above: UC Merced’s interdisciplinary approach to the humanities allows emerging scholars to consider a subject like performance as literary, historical, cultural and artistic artifact.
Students in the program either define their study around a fully interdisciplinary approach, or focus primarily on a particular discipline informed by interdisciplinary connections.
*Program pending the approval of the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC).
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